Unscheduled scan
Posted on September 5, 2019
I had my first unexpected scan. I was having lower back pain, and of course went into panic mode. I remember having upper back pain the first time I had symptoms of pancreatic issues. The latest pain was in my lower back, but I still went to a place of fear and doubt about my health. I try to always be positive and remember I have it so much easier than most that unfortunately share my experience. My doctor was able to get me in ( I was not scheduled until January of 2020) to have a scan. The results were thankfully negative and basically I am just getting old and my back is going to start hurting from time to time. I still find it hard to believe how fast I go back into the “fear zone” despite how blessed I have been during all of this. I can appreciate the quote above: The storm may or may not be over, but you have already changed because of it.
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