Happy 2020!
Posted on January 1, 2020

I recently had the mother of a friend of mine pass away after a long battle with cancer. She was the model for grace and uplifting praise. I know from my own battle that I was not as strong as I would hoped at times mentally. I do give praise for my health, but would I of felt the same if I would not of had the outcomes I did? Would I wanted to blame God for how unfair all of this was and why was it happening to me? I do not want to find out the answer to that question. The mother of my friend actually increased her faith in God the sicker she became. There was not blame or anger, simply faith that her belief in God would provide all she needed. I again see strength in people that amazes me. God Bless. 2020 I want you to be the year that I continue to grow and be the person I strive to be. There are so many things I am blessed with and I never want to take anything for granted.
My main goal in 2020 – Be good to people.
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